The Dancer | Teen Ink

The Dancer

April 15, 2013
By musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That moment of silence
'fore the music starts
Nerves and excitement
Feels like a lifetime
The music begins
Adrenaline rush
You start to dance
Sashay ball change
Run, run leap
The music ends
One final pose
You run off stage
In your mind
The music still plays
It hasn't stopped
Your heart is dancing
It's who you are
It runs through your veins
You are the dancer
The dancer...

The author's comments:
This is for all the dancers out there. For every dancer who reads this, you will understand. You will understand that feeling you get, when you are in your pose, waiting in vain for the music to begin, really nervous, and then all of a sudden, the music starts to play and you are one with the music and you don't even know whats happening because you just get a surge of adrenaline. This is for you.

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