What We Lost | Teen Ink

What We Lost

March 14, 2013
By Olivia Mattingly BRONZE, Prospect, Kentucky
Olivia Mattingly BRONZE, Prospect, Kentucky
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

What should life be based on?
Freedom, for all alive.
Freedom to say, think, and believe,
Freedom to know and to show.

We are all alike,
All connected.
There is no one greater than the rest
We are all equal and need respect.

Where has the good gone?
Why do people care
Only about what they can get,
And not what they can share?

Lies and hate, that is all there is these days.
Freedom and respect have been lost,
Which seems so wrong,
Since that is what this country was built upon.

They say they are improving
And moving forward.
They say they want a better world,
And maybe that is the problem.

In the quest to go bigger,
To improve,
We have lost what matters most,

The author's comments:
Everything seems false in the world these days. We have lost our core values, values that we used to base society upon. People are constantly striving to do things bigger and better, when what the world really needs right now is to go back to the fundamental ideas that once ruled the world. ideas such as mutual respect and freedom for all people, and truthfulness.

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