The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

March 14, 2013
By Amber LeGrande BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
Amber LeGrande BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The ball skims the net
And floats over my head into the back row
My teammate passes it up to the setter
As I transition off the net
And prepare to hit
The ball reaches the setters hand
And softly bounces off of them
Into the air
I do my approach
With two long strides
And jump
With both hands up
I gracefully let my left hand down
As my right hand comes around hard
I feel the leather surface of the ball
Against my hand
And I watch it head towards the ground
On the other side
They pick it up
As the ball flies toward
The top of the net
It hits the tape
And falls to the ground
Our point
Closer to winning

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