I have a dream | Teen Ink

I have a dream

March 12, 2013
By iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When your curious, you find a lot of interesting things in life- Walt Disney

I have a dream
That one day no one will say a word
About how ugly a person is

I have a dream that one day
Girls will not hide their arms
To cover the scars they make each night

I have a dream that some day
No one will hate themselves
For the way they look

my dream is many peoples dream
To be able to look in the mirror and like what i see
That is my dream for society

My dream is that no one person
Will ever lose their light
The one thing that gives them hope

My hope is that the world can change
That every child can live in a world
Where no one hurts or cries

My dream is a simple dream
One that we can all make happen
All we need it to find ourselves

The author's comments:
This was a poem i wrote for a creative writing class hope you like it

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