The Song of the Whale (Sestina) | Teen Ink

The Song of the Whale (Sestina)

March 9, 2013
By bbbbsp BRONZE, Los Angleles, California
bbbbsp BRONZE, Los Angleles, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I can still tend the rabbits, George? I didn't mean no harm, George.”
― John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men

Diving through the frigid Antarctic waves
She sang her eerie song
Its high pitch notes echoing in the depths
Long, melancholy notes penetrating the water
Freezing even the most restless sea birds
As they floated aboard long pieces of driftwood

As hard and cold as the wandering pieces of driftwood
Tumbling straight towards your ears like a wave
Swift as the flight of a hawk, a silent and savage bird
A soul shattering lullaby, a heart breaking song
Its lonely tune sinking its teeth into even the sharpest coral, floating lazily in the water
The whale’s song piercing the darkest depths

Deeper and deeper into the depths
She glided as though a strong wind were blowing her away like driftwood
Freezing the very soul of the surrounding water
Crashing upon bands of playful seals like a wave
Making your heart mourn along with her song
Bringing tears to the beady eyes of mouthy sea birds

It touched the most magnificent birds
The lonely notes crying out from the depths
Racing along making others want to sing along to such a wonderful song
It traveled with the driftwood
Crashed upon hearts like waves
Swiping its lonely fingers across the water

Burning through the steel of sailors hearts as they float across the water
Making the songs of birds
Seem like small waves
In a vast ocean with unmeasurable depths
Making dolphins stop fidgeting with alien pieces of driftwood
And silencing other’s weak songs

Quiets the audience, a stunning song
Seems to stop the movement of the water
And even the trek of the driftwood
Outweighs the tune of a songbird
A song with depth
Its meaning only intelligible to the waves

Freezes the birds
They plummet to the depths
Caught by the waves

The author's comments:
A Sestina. It was a very hard format to follow.

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