Invisible Love | Teen Ink

Invisible Love

March 6, 2013
By musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can see it
But you refuse.
You only see her
Not me, too.
My heart is racing
With one long glance
Your eyes, they seer
Right into my soul.
We were good
We still would be.
You can't deny
Your feelings for me.
Patience is key
I need to wait.
For one day I'm sure
You'll see the truth.
You love me, too
I know you do.
You're only blinded
She's so cute.
I can see it
But you refuse.
You only see her
Not me, too.

The author's comments: Well, this poem is about a classic summer romance. The young girl is still in love with the man she had a summer romance with. And she knows with everything in her body that her ex lover still loves her, but he has "fallen in love" with another lady, but that young girl knows her ex lover only loves this lady because of her looks. So, the young girl is just waiting, waiting, waiting, paiteintly, for her lover to acknowledge his love for her.

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