Solid | Teen Ink


March 6, 2013
By Shanzilla BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Shanzilla BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stand up straight and brace myself for the next day.
‘Cause no matter what the date, people never seem to change.
Lock up my heart and keep a smile on my face.
Relationships fall apart and friends never stay.
I’ll shy away from the past and keep a tight grip on the present.
I look carefully at the future in contrast.
Scars from many memories are hidden in my armor.
Life’s mysteries are so overrated.
All I can trust is my mind, ‘cause my heart gave up long ago.
I’m lost forever in a tight bind, a bind of a fear of loss, but I never let it slip.
No emotions shall cross.
In the end, I will win.
Because as a wise man once said,
Only fools rush in.

The author's comments:
A recent break-up

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