Abandonment | Teen Ink


February 22, 2013
By danifern SILVER, San Diego, California
danifern SILVER, San Diego, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Life sucks.

A bit of hope is all you need

To cleanse your soul, to feel freed

But all hope seems lost to me

Like bottles thrown out to the sea

I look in all the wrong places

Sleep in the wrong bed

With dreams of unfamiliar faces

Held together by only a thread

I don’t ask for much

I’d go bare if I could only feel your touch

But I know my dreams are hopeless

For you left me for the darkness

It was a century ago yet I still cannot forget

You were taken from me the day after we met

Now another holds you in her arm

And promises you there will be no harm

This other is not at all like me

She does not cry, or beg or plea

She has it all, all that you need

She’s dead, like you, you both are free

I’ve learned to live in the world alone

My only hope knowing someday I’ll meet you at home

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