I'm happy... | Teen Ink

I'm happy...

February 18, 2013
By musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm happy...
When I'm around my friends!
Or singing on stage
Or playing my guitar
Or when I'm dancing
Writing a song
But it's when I'm alone
When I've no where to go
And the past haunts my present
And dims on my future
When my thoughts over take
And I can't stop from thinking
I'm drowning in thoughts
And it's too suffocating
When I can't see my future
Two years from now
And I can't help but feeling
My life needs to end.
So I guess what I'm saying
Is that I am happy
Just sometimes I really
Am not.

The author's comments:
Well, this poem talks abut things i like to do, and that they make me happy, but when I can't do these things or when I am alone and just thinking about my horrible past, that's when I'm not happy and that's when things get dark and i just really am not happy.

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