Our Love | Teen Ink

Our Love

February 22, 2013
By musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
musiclover3773 SILVER, Richville, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I forgot to forget
You were alive
I forgot to forget
The love we had
I forgot to forget
We were alive
We were free
Just you and me
I forgot to forget
The good old days
I forgot to forget
The thing we had
I forgot to forget
All our memories
I forgot to forget
The joy of our life
The life we shared
The things we did
I forgot to forget.
Our love.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my friends ex-boyfriend. She wanted me to write a poem for her. So, I wrote this for her, but I included some things about me in here. From my ex-relationship. She loved it, and said it was exactly how she felt. Because no matter how hard she tried to forget her love, she just could not forget.

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