More Than A Game | Teen Ink

More Than A Game

February 10, 2013
By Jay Ahuja BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
Jay Ahuja BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sweat is stinging my eyes. The intense, burning pain is spreading throughout my stomach. Resignation is starting to block the view of my objective. The anger that drove me forward is starting to fade away, and all hope along with it. The door to failure is right in front of me. All I have to do is open it, and close the door that held all my dreams. But the ambition won’t let me do it.

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on Feb. 14 2013 at 12:24 pm
sadesdd DIAMOND, Elma, Iowa
90 articles 0 photos 213 comments
Love the last line