Hurricane Sandy | Teen Ink

Hurricane Sandy

February 3, 2013
By hilpaulfrank1 BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
hilpaulfrank1 BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

New York, Connecticut, New Jersey
Hurricane Sandy hits.
Flooding everywhere, roofs flying,
Carousels submerged in the water
Chairs, tables floating as if they are tiny toys.
People have lost everything.
Re-build is the answer, some hope says the pastor.
When to start? Where to start?

Tears are salty like the water
How many tears can there be?
Exhausting, bone breaking, heaving, sighing.
All is gone.
Re-build is the answer, some hope says the pastor.
When to start? Where to start?

Tents are up, paper to be filled out.
What to do? Ask the people affected.
Where to pick up the pieces of a broken home.
Re- build is the answer, some hope says the pastor.
When to start? Where to start?

Looking at the sand, looking at the land.
Helping hands have reached the people, but
That will soon end. Re-build is the answer,
Some hope says the pastor.
When to start? Where to start?

The author's comments:
Hurricane Sandy was a terrible disaster. I wanted to share my feelings towards it and how it effected people.

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