A World of Jewels | Teen Ink

A World of Jewels

February 1, 2013
By SalmaaME BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
SalmaaME BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you knew the future you would love the present."

Ocean waves against the plush, white shore. Crystal clear blue; silver sparkiling sand. A contrast of sapphires against diamond. The sun shining brightly down on my bare back. A topaz against the pale blue sky. My bare feet against the cloud-like white sand. Sharp clusters of pearly-white shells poking into the soft soles of mt feet without discomfort . The salty-sweet breeze blew against my bare neck, shoulders, and face. Warm and delicious; A sweet mild fire. My thoughts reeled back to the time when the sapphire water, topaz sun, diamond sand, and pearly shells were mine to gaze upon and relish daily. Once upon a time, I had a world of jewels.

The author's comments:
Hope you like it! (:

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