Summer and the Amber Eyes | Teen Ink

Summer and the Amber Eyes

February 1, 2013
By SalmaaME BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
SalmaaME BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you knew the future you would love the present."

She stood there speechless. Looking into his eyes, her heart dropped. He gently touched her hands; carressed her face with tencder love and care. The gentle summer breeze picked up gently ruffling her golden brown hair. His amber eyes bore into hers with sincere sadness and compassion. The sun shone down on them; reflecting in the crystal clear blue water, making silver specks appear in the plush, white sand. Emphasizing the light brown color of their hair and unveiling golden streaks.Her mud brown eyes were glazed over with trapped tears fighting to break loose. Her breathing hardened and she knew what she had to do and she did it. She turned on her heel and walked away, leaving behind her one true love.

The author's comments:
Tell me what you guys thinkk! (:

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