Fire of Stability | Teen Ink

Fire of Stability

February 1, 2013
By SalmaaME BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
SalmaaME BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you knew the future you would love the present."

The beating of my heart sounded through the empty hall. The hot tears rolled down my cheeks. All I could think of was my terrifying fall. I remembered him, his long looming silhouette. Dark, frightening, and sinister. I remembered the huge, scorching fire. Devouring anything and everything in it's path. Destructive and evil. The sound of metal scraping against itself in the scorching fire. I hear a scream but I cannot be sure whether or not it was my own. The darkness enclosed around me taing me down. Ending my agony. Restoring stability.

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