She Never Thought About the Scars | Teen Ink

She Never Thought About the Scars

January 30, 2013
By llbid4life BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
llbid4life BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Anxious eyes cling unfailingly to the floor,
a tilted head, an attempt to avert Subjection.
She’s been here before.
The air shrieks with tension as Stability
stumbles away, cringing,
Judgment having battered in into submission.
Steadily, Her voice gives way, cracks-
another fall, one blow too many.

Shoved into a murky wonderland,
strung along by the shallow promises of Numbness.
She didn’t mean to sink so deep;
shaded by the rippled surface,
Impulse carved away, dragging Her alongside, thinking
nobody would notice. Yet-
Someone heard Her choking as she sank.
Unhindered by the girl’s thrashing and reluctance,
Someone drug Her out of the hands of Impulse cursing
all the while at Her faulted sense.
As the voices evened out, together they fell away.

Memories of the wonderland bleed through,
remembrance only a faded line away.
She never thought about the scars.
Perspective smiling on Her lips, she traces over.
Over the anxiety. Over the stress. Over the Judgment.
Head held high, eyes unwavering, she faced
THEIR subjection, free at last--
Someone, can make a difference.

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