The King | Teen Ink

The King

January 29, 2013
By Thevincey16 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Thevincey16 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Born in a small town in 1958.

Who never knew he would become something so great.

Began at the age five, singing for crowds worldwide.

Danced like an angel, with powerful moves,

He showed everyone that he can groove.

A man so talented, yet so sad,

He retreated to his Neverland.

Many accusations throughout his life,

he wished he could die.

Songs so powerful,

he can relate to you.

A King that we loved, a king that we adored,

A King that is no more, a king that's in heaven with God, waiting, for what is next for him to sing.

A King

The author's comments:
In honor of Michael Joseph Jackson.

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