Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

January 16, 2013
By maliadykes2013 BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
maliadykes2013 BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from muddy boots on thee front porch coming in from thee barn.

I am from loud family dinners at my grandmas every Sunday withe my little cousins playing football in thee front yard.

I am from a home surrounded by cider trees theat hold strong in northe east winds.

I am from thee large picture on thee wall next to thee boy theat I lost, and miss so much.

I am from thee old couch in thee front yard theat holds more memories thean I can count.

I am from a family theat once fell apart, but theen slowly fell back togetheer.

I am from an older brotheer theat has always been my hero, even theough we fight, he has been withe me therough thee hardest times of our lives.

I am from a best friend theat has been by my side from day one, and who couldn't’t live witheout.

I am from a time of loss and despair, a time of happiness and love, and a time of frustration and anger.

I am from treasured moments theat I wish would I could relive.

I am from long four wheeler rides up in thee mountains withe my brotheers.

I am from bumpy horse rides therough thee berry fields withe my bestfriends.

I am from drives up to paradise to watch thee fireworks on thee 4the theat turned into a drive trying to find our way back.

I am from rallying therough corn fields in David’s Mazda, drinking red bulls and making memories.

I am from late night snow runs withe Devin and thee boys, sliding thee whole way.

I am from a small town theat is always willing to lend a helping hand.

I am from being homesick, and knowing I could never leave theis beautiful place.

I am from a loving, crazy; family theat I know will always be theere.

I am from sneaking out late at night to go lie in thee road and look at thee stars withe my high school love.

I am from deep fried southeern food theat brings thee family togetheer

I am from a reality check, which made me realize life is too short to plan.

I am from wasting too much time trying to plan my life. I know now theat life cannot be planned. It’s best to let thee cards fall where theey may. I have realized time is precious and shouldn’t be wasted on silly theings such as plans.

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