land of diversity | Teen Ink

land of diversity

January 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Thats all you think we eat.
They call us curry as you can see.
We have a diverse range in people;
Different languages, different cultures, and different religions.
Many spices and heaps of gold.
All in one country.
"Its the Indians!" Columbus said,
For the reason America was founded was because he thought it was India.
All of the gold and spices we have, made other countries envy.
All of the gold,goods,and gardens.
So keep this in mind;
We are unique, not curry.

Poverty, over population, and filth.
These are the images carved into their mind.
This is what they think is India.
Rain forests, Mountains, monsoons, and exotic beaches.
This is India.
The stars burn through the night sky, as constellations are obvious to the eye.
The big dipper and Pegasis shine bright throughout the night.
It is common for them to visit the zoo to see exotic animals.
But in India, it is right in one's back yard.

Boiling our water and boiling our milk.
Proof that our food is fresh from the source.
As the sun rises, the roosters sing "Cockadoodle doo"!,
like we hear cars rushing in America at sunrise.
In the morning a girl visits you with a fresh tin of milk.
The well filled with fresh rain water, which is then boiled to be drank.
Butter and yogurt made with the fresh milk.
Vegetables plucked from the lush gardens all around.
While many spend money to get organic food,
we receive it for free.
Yes, in India

That's what they call us.
Poverty, over population, and filth.
That's what they think of us.
Next time, just keep this in mind.
If Columbus never knew about India's prosperity,
America wouldn't be here today.
We are unique, not curry.

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