Blink Your Eye | Teen Ink

Blink Your Eye

January 15, 2013
By L_Pavone BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
L_Pavone BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the blink of an eye it all happened
the dribble down the pitch, back and forth
left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot
keeping diamond shape formation

our teams passing game is spectacular at the moment
the perfectly groomed field, green as the jerseys on our backs
Our confidence levels are through the roof
the intimidation factor is in effect

We are ready and willing to attack the ball
we all know that we have the win in the bag
the fans scream "Go Huskies!"
pumped and ready to defeat the other team.

the ball is in my other forwards possession
i say: "Pass! Here! Here!"
the ball is now in my possession
the shot, perfect bent curve to the upper 90 of the goal

The author's comments:
My amazing goal in one of my soccer matches.

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