A short poem about short people | Teen Ink

A short poem about short people

January 15, 2013
By Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hey you!

Mr. head-in-the-clouds,

How is the weather up there?

Call me Jack.

I will use my magical beanstalk to get to your level.

Hey you!

Mr. I-can-reach-the-sky,

Get me something from that top shelf, please.

I know it’s no trouble for you.

Just like telephone poles you puncture a height that I can only imagine.

I wish my height was like candy prices at the movies.

They are always Raisinet.

Short jokes are not even funny.

Everyone just blows them out of proportion.

Hey you!

Mr. six-feet-and-a-few-inches,

Watch out for that grocery store shelf!

I watched hoping that you would knock something down.

Everyone knows all the good products are too high for me to reach.

I guess at my height you have to be a little devious.

Hey you!

Mr. I-can-hardly-hear-a-hungry-hippo-herd-hunting,

Please bend down and listen.

Everything is too low for you.

Everything is too high for me.

We should unite and reach a perfect medium.

I will help you, and you will help me.

Nothing will be too low for you.

Nothing will be too high for me.

Think about it.

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