26 Angels | Teen Ink

26 Angels

January 10, 2013
By hilpaulfrank1 BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
hilpaulfrank1 BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

26 angels died
The world has cried
The tears don’t seem to cease
26 angels are now at peace

Bullets flying… sounding shrill
It’s not the movies, this ammo does kill
The second amendment lets us bear arms
Our fore fathers intended it to protect us from harm

26 angels died
The world has cried
The tears don’t seem to cease.
26 angels are now at peace.

Why oh why did this occur?
Is it the available gun to shoot?
Or is
Mental Health at the root?

26 angels died
The world has cried
The tears don’t seem to cease
26 angels are now at peace.

Elementary schools are wonderful places
The littlest kids had such happy faces.
The adults too
Were the glue
Gone are their bodies, but we have each soul
Forever etched in our minds …
Will we ever be whole?

26 angels died
The world cried
The tears don’t seem to cease.
26 angels are now at peace.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this poem because of the deep grief I felt from the horrible murders in Newtown, Connecticut. I have thought everyday since the event about the innocent children and the heroes who saved them.

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