Time to Vent | Teen Ink

Time to Vent

January 8, 2013
By Heyitsme971 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Heyitsme971 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's time to vent
Time to let go
Time to be ruthless
No ones around
No one can hear me
I'm perfectly safe
Inside my mind
To my left
I hear whispers
The voices
Mean nothing to me
I can sit in my thoughts
And vent
The louder they get
The less I can take
I just need to vent
It's time to vent
Time to let go
Time to be ruthless
No ones around
No one can hear me
In perfectly safe
inside my mind
The voices
They become harder to ignore
I don't think
I can take this anymore
The more this happens
The more I realize
I need someone new
Someone who has been inside my shoes
No matter how safe I feel
People need to get a clue
This won't be easy but I need to try
The more I vent
Inside my head
The closer I come
To saying good-bye
....The End

But that won't happen
I love my life
Just sometimes
Venting should be done outside the mind
I'm grateful for the things I have
I have no reason to be sad
Life get stressful
Life gets tough
Just remember you are loved

Its time to live
Don't say good-bye
It's time to remember
Those who've died
Those who vent
Inside the mind
Will be loved
for all of time

The author's comments:
This poem is about someone who is thinking about hurting themselves because of bullying. Some need to learn to "Vent outside the mind" To help themselves. Don't be afraid to tell someone what is wrong, because in the end someone can save you and help you.

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