Speak | Teen Ink


January 8, 2013
By Heyitsme971 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Heyitsme971 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Speak truth
Not lies
Speak of love
Not of hate
Life is short
Life is unpredictable
Take this hand you've been dealt
No matter how heartbreaking
And create dark into neon
Keep your chin up
Put down that weapon
Speak your mind
Don't keep it all in
Stop running this race
And rest
The heart
Once broken
Needs to be mended
It's not the end of the world
You know you can do better
Don't you dare
settle for second best
You're better than that
You deserve better
Just speak
This dark world we live in
Needs the bit of light that is you
So keep your head up
Don't let your crown fall
My dear princess
Just speak
Shout it from the rooftops if you need
All you need to do is

The author's comments:
Relationships with parents friends, boyfriends and girlfriend. About something that has hurt you and causes you to second guess. This is a little reminder

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