A Prism | Teen Ink

A Prism

December 25, 2012
By Sarah Rodeo PLATINUM, New York, New York
Sarah Rodeo PLATINUM, New York, New York
49 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jagged cracks of lightning
splinter the angry sky like veins,
Except that the blood of life
does not pulse through this atmospheric blanket
that was supposed to
cover me, protect me, hold me.

The misty fog
obscures my vision,
And I cannot find my way
through this hazy veil of despair.
The dark clouds
tower over me,
Weighing down my soul,
Suffocating my breath
until I writhe and collapse in submission.

But through these stormy masses,
A beam of burning white light
reaches down from the heavens
to touch me.
Its rainbow colors
splay across my face.

Its warmth
surges through my body,
And my fingers tingle with
the energy of renewed hope.
And I know
that this tempest, too, shall pass.

For now I see
that when hurricanes
rage in the skies of our lives,
And piercing lightning
streaks through our hearts,
And bitter teardrops of acid rain
scorch our faces,

We must believe
that someday, somehow,
The thundering storms will clear,
And the sun
will emerge once more.
Its light will shine
through our teardrops,
Casting rainbow rays around us
and illuminating the darkness.

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