loving in secret | Teen Ink

loving in secret

December 25, 2012
By Dani473 SILVER, Salem, Oregon
Dani473 SILVER, Salem, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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dont make someone your everything cuz when there gone what do you have left? nothing

six years have passed loving you in silence wishing i knew if you felt the same dreaming about you every night then waking up sad because it was just a dream, loving the feeling of your arms around me while you embrace me in a hug,resisting the temptation to kiss you not knowing how you'd react, then one day i got the nerve to tell you "i like you a lot Robert and i have for awhile now" the response i got back completely unexpected, "i like you to and i have for six years" my heart started pounding as the grin on my face grew bigger and bigger, now your mine and i wouldn't have it any other way.

The author's comments:
about the man i love. were engaged and i want him to know how much i love him.

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