Present's Eye's In the Future | Teen Ink

Present's Eye's In the Future

December 22, 2012
By Naduni BRONZE, Kottawa, Other
Naduni BRONZE, Kottawa, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We are born to this world to give love and gain wisdom!

The sun rises; never the paler,
The clouds brighten;never so empty,
The birds chirp; never more constant,
As my heart seeks the next few minutes of your voice.

The eve unfolds, ever shutting hope's blinds,
The sun sinks; ever sinking my breath,
The outer darkens; ever darkening interior,
As my heart has failed this game of hide and seek.

What force holds the hands of the active clock?
What power makes one a mathematician of time?
What spirit makes a mere stretch of an arm
Towards future out of a day?
But, Love that chimes the bells of lost and gay!

The author's comments:
The poem is actually about someone who waits to communicate with her lover each day( whose hopes of a call or some means of communication start fresh in the morning and decays gradually by the evening, towards the night) The poem brings out the toughness of waiting when sunk in love. However the poem can be interpreted in any way that the reader wishes.

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