Darkness | Teen Ink


December 21, 2012
By Cupcakekitten BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Cupcakekitten BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Its hiding
The darkness
In the shadows
But it’s coming
It wants out
It doesn’t like hiding
But it has to it’s not a loud out
The owner if this darkness
Would be very upset
What would happen to her if they knew?
What would they say?
What would they do?
Would she get in trouble?
She doesn’t know
That’s why it’s hiding
That’s why it can’t come out
She is scared
Doesn’t know what to do
Every day she holds it in
It gets stronger
This darkness
Now so powerful she can’t control her self
It has taken over
She has no more solutions
No more ways to keep it under control
She has told others of her darkness
They don’t care
No one ever cares
Now she thinks
She thinks why
Why should she hide it?
They cant do anything to me
Nothing could be worse then this feeling
This feeling she has felt for so long
The feeling of that no one cares
No one cares how she feels

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