Trapped | Teen Ink


December 20, 2012
By Cupcakekitten BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Cupcakekitten BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Three knocks, they’re coming
I hide
There’s no way out
They knock again
Knock, knock, knock
I’m scared
I’m trapped
They know what I have done
What do I do?
The knocking has stopped
Have the left?
Are they still there?
Am I free?
The door flies in
They’re coming
Slowly, not missing anything
They’re talking to each other
I can’t understand what their saying
I’m under the bed
They open the door
They catch me
They see what I have been doing to myself
They take me
Pulling me out from my room
My mom, she’s crying
Why, why is she letting this happen to me?
I haven’t done anything wrong
Why won’t she tell them to stop?
I’m asking her to please stop this
She looks away
I’m put into a truck
They strap me down
It’s black now
Everything is calm
Three knocks they’re coming
I hide
There’s no way out
I’m trapped
And it’s over

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