"A Girl In the Trailer Park" | Teen Ink

"A Girl In the Trailer Park"

December 9, 2012
By thatcodyguy BRONZE, Grosse Tete, Louisiana
thatcodyguy BRONZE, Grosse Tete, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve stayed in the trailer park all my life
I like it just where I am
Where it’s dirty and smelly and my cousin is flirting with me
He gave me a rose so I’d feel pretty

I want to go to the gun range
And maybe to the barn,
To where the colorful cows eat hay.
I want to tip some cows today

They do some fruity things.
They have some fruity fun.
Those children jeer, but I say they’re queer
How they have to go in at a quarter to nine.
My papa, he tells me that Elizabeth Smith
Will grow up to be a businesswoman.
That Jonathan’ll be taken to college soon or late
(On account that he’s studying with Nate).

But I say it’s fine, honest, I do.
But I wouldn’t like to be a businesswoman, too,
I’ll wear the dirty coveralls of faded-blue denim
And skip through the ditch with mud on my boots and laugh at ‘em.

The author's comments:
this poem was written as a parody of "A Song in the Front Yard" by Gwendolyn Brooks

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