Playground Pariah | Teen Ink

Playground Pariah

December 13, 2012
By thatcodyguy BRONZE, Grosse Tete, Louisiana
thatcodyguy BRONZE, Grosse Tete, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I always hide in the shadows.
I just feel awkward
I’m nervous, and clumsy, and always left out
I’m tired of being alone.

I want to go make friends now
And maybe some enemies,
To where the kids go down the slide.
I really don’t want to hide.

They play some wonderful games.
They have some wonderful fun.
My mother encourages me to play with them, but I’m scared to go
I’m scared they’ll tell me no.
The kids, they play so naively,
Laughing and running until they get blisters on their feet.
(I’m still watching from across the street)

I say I’m fine, but really, I’m not.
I want to be a lighthearted kid too,
And join the group of cheery children
And I’m just so tired of my isolation.

The author's comments:
modeled after Gwendolyn Brook's "A Song in the Front Yard"

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