Come and Get It... | Teen Ink

Come and Get It...

December 12, 2012
By Sammy123 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Sammy123 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This weasel is very quick.
He jukes like Michael Vick.
Which way is he going?
There’s no way of knowing,
He’s starting to make me sick.

The basement is very cold,
It is even full of mold.
The smell is so appalling,
It literally has me bawling.
This body is really old.

This rabbit is very slick.
He’s only there for a lick.
My patience is starting to fade.
These rodents have it made.
Darn, he’s a real trick.

An empty soul in a cruel life,
If only I had kept my wife.
She is now a treat for the beasts,
And constitutes a tasty feast.
I’ll prepare her with my knife.

Come closer, come closer I won’t be mean.
Your meat looks so tender and lean.
I want all of you, even the mouse.
I invite all of you to share my spouse.
We can all enjoy this beautiful queen.

The author's comments:
My inspiration was Edger Allen Poe and American Horror Story... With a little Walking Dead thrown in there.

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