Dusty Passion | Teen Ink

Dusty Passion

December 12, 2012
By AnnMarieB BRONZE, Wheaton, Illinois
AnnMarieB BRONZE, Wheaton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

IT was on the shelf yesterday
you could have sworn you saw it
There amongst the other unattended parts of your life
Yes there it is
always one to-do list away from your attention
But now it’s buried once again under what you’ll get to tomorrow
a journey away from you
To deep inside of yourself in search of…
What is it that you want?
You tore your sword from the stone (a feat you were destined to do) and then stored it away
For safe keeping
allowing it to collect dust
As it waits and waits and
waits to be taken off the shelf. (a sword cannot sharpen itself.)

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