The Skeleton and The Stars | Teen Ink

The Skeleton and The Stars

December 7, 2012
By MorganLewis PLATINUM, Greensboro, North Carolina
MorganLewis PLATINUM, Greensboro, North Carolina
40 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I saw you locked bones
between hate and all you promised
forgetting all the blood-inked stories
you once wrote in my name

born where beauty lies with the one who is beheld
and ending with a letter
a single name
all for me

& I never knew the one
she who breathes where I once breathed
she whom held the stars in her eyes
the bones whom leap from her skin
the one far greater than I

& I saw she broke your bones
just to escape your hold
leaving flowers by a grave you've always feared

How is it to be cold?
How is it to feel alone?
to lay where I once lied
to die where I once died

You sought the greatest treasures in the world
all for your hungry eyes
& you chose the stars
the fickle light that burns
to temporary to turn out

& I'll sit upon my throne
just so see you fall
knowing all to well
I never needed you at all

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