A Lie's a Lie | Teen Ink

A Lie's a Lie

December 5, 2012
By annaemoore BRONZE, Crestwood, Kentucky
annaemoore BRONZE, Crestwood, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Simple, but ferocious.
A small white one, a gargantuan purple one. All the same.
Identical meaning. Entirely imitated.
Too much to bear? They bring more.
One after another. Truth doesn’t have a role.
Life, death. Beginning, end. Anything that’s anything: a lie.
Worst of all?
The people you trust can no longer be.
One lie, one second of falseness.
An eternity of trust. Broken.
Shattered like the broken plate, you faintly remember.
Forgiveness? Maybe.
In the end, a lie’s a lie.
It can’t be erased, or forgotten.

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