The Dancing Demon | Teen Ink

The Dancing Demon

November 20, 2012
By Wally SILVER, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
Wally SILVER, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Danny the demon sat alone
At his post one hellish day.
The flames curled round his naked feet
As doomed souls cried out in dismay.

He turned to his friend who stood next to him
And asked a simple thing.
“Why do we demons not celebrate Christmas,
Unlike the mortals who now laugh and sing?”

His comrade said, “I’ll tell you why,
I understand your confusion.
You are new and I can see
That you don’t understand Christmas is an illusion.

On the outside it looks sweet,
With its bells and snow.
But what it truly is
Is a celebration of our foe.”

Danny asked, “Who is our foe
Would that be Old Saint Nick?”
His friend facepalmed and looked at him.
“Why, you are denser than a brick!”

“No, it is not the sleigh riding,
Jolly old man.
But the one who damned us here,
That lion and that lamb.”

“Oh, you mean Jesus?
Well he’s not too bad a guy.
I mean, he made us all,
And for us all he died.”

“Not for all of us you fool!
Only for his precious Man.
We demons don’t belong to him.
We belong to Satan.”

“Perhaps that is so,
Perhaps that may be
But wouldn’t it be fine
To have fun once maybe?”

“You think you can celebrate Christmas?”
Replied his angry friend.
“Well go right ahead, the angels are partying
Right up above in heaven.”

So Danny brushed his hair
And put on his nicest tie.
He grabbed his favorite scythe
And went up to where only angels fly.

When he arrived and looked around,
He saw perfect joy.
All the angels were exchanging
Lots of presents and toys.

He walked to them and said “Hello!”
But they gave him a sour face.
They told him “You’re not welcome”.
So he turned to leave the place.

But before he could leave, the host came down
All the way from Cloud 9.
Shining face and dark tuxedo.
Complemented with a smiley face tie.

“Danny”, God said,
“Do not leave, please stay.
For you understand better than any angel
Why we celebrate this day.

It’s the day true Love was brought
From my Son to you all.
Not just for the good, nor just for the bad
But to all who answer my call.

So I say, be my special guest.
Party and enjoy the day!
Have a drink, have a laugh,
For as long as you want, stay.”

So Danny took his present
And went onto the dance floor.
He drank and he laughed.
Never had a demon been so happy before.

The author's comments:
Christmas is a'coming!

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