The Beast | Teen Ink

The Beast

November 12, 2012
By spraechter BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
spraechter BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Hate the beast that I've become
for the beast has no Soul
no Heart, no feelings
Nothing to feel anything but cold and Hatred
out to Kill whoever crosses its path
don't Unleash the beast, they say
It has claws and fangs and will attack
No Soul in its body
only looks out for itself
people keep their distance from the beast
what little remains of its soul harbors a City of Evil
a dwelling place for Demons

the beast chooses its prey wisely
lets them get close to it
lets them let their guard down
It attacks!
Hurt everyone in its path
soon no one will go near the beast…
the beast is alone…
it likes it better this way

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