Words | Teen Ink


October 30, 2012
By AngelBrit BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
AngelBrit BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Karma's a bitch

Words, Words, and more Words,
Come out on to this piece of paper,
Doodle the swirls of your brain,
Clash and crash to compare and contrast
The different levels of humanity,
Tap your pencil to the speed
Of your ultimate song,
Sing your lungs out
Till you break the brick wall,
Erase the mistakes of the past,
Calculate the time of love,
Highlight your time to shine,
Color the world before you
Leaving your mark,
Words, Words, and more Words,
Come out on to this piece of paper.

The author's comments:
I was in my room and bored. Doodling random things usually helps me get inspired. When I started to write I thought of what you use in high school on a daily basis. Calculator, highlighter, pencil, listening to music, etc;.
Then it was like a train coming all at once and I had to write it.

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