I found I lost I don't understand | Teen Ink

I found I lost I don't understand

September 25, 2012
By Photographywonder PLATINUM, Unfortunetly, Texas
Photographywonder PLATINUM, Unfortunetly, Texas
23 articles 10 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't wait for inspiration to come to you, you have to go at it with a club"
"Can anything be sadder than work unfinished? Yes; work never begun"
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.Art is knowing which ones to keep"-Scott Adams

I finally found
someone to talk to
It was just what I needed

I finally found
someone to turn to
Someone who actually got it

I finally sound someone-
no wait
I didn't after all
because everything I wanted to say
didn't happen
why not?
You found some other girl
to tell your secrets
and it's not even someone who understands
Why don't you get it?
Let me tell you my secrets?
Would you even understand?

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