Gossip is her name | Teen Ink

Gossip is her name

September 13, 2012
By JCourvoisier7 BRONZE, Port Coquitlam, Other
JCourvoisier7 BRONZE, Port Coquitlam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You&#039;re guaranteed to miss one hundred percent of the shots you don&#039;t take. <br /> ~ &hearts; Wayne Gretzky

I hear her,
Her scrawny voice echoes down the narrow halls.

I see her,
When they stare at me like I'm some type of disease.

I feel her,
It's like a knife stabbing into my side
Slowly and painfully puncturing my insides.

I gently shut my eyes trying to escape,
Trying to hide.

Wishing someone would understand,
Wondering if anyone at all is listening.

When I open my eyes I look around, and sadly nothing at all has changed.

I still hear her
I still see her
I still feel her

But not anymore,
She doesn’t own me.
Her words are just echoes in the distance
False and worthless.

I don't know who she is, or where she came from,
Or why She’s here?

Gossip is her name and she can't hurt me anymore.....

The author's comments:
i wrote this about bullying and how kids getting bullied need to stay stong.

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