Pretty Butterfly | Teen Ink

Pretty Butterfly

July 23, 2012
By MountEverest GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
MountEverest GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
17 articles 2 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why rather, sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs
Than in the perfumed chambers of the great,
Under the canopies of costly state,
And lulled with sound of sweetest melody?" By William Shakespeare

Butterfly in my stomach,
Please talk to me!
Causing crazy cravings,
Why do you do this to me?
Making my palms sweat in an exasperating cold,
The dawn hasn’t emerged
Yet I know what you hold
The feeling you make me feel is for that someone
That makes my heart race and my mind crazy
The one who’ll always be there for me if I need them
Yes pretty butterfly,
Please talk and comfort me
I know why you’re here,
I know why you’re near,
I understand why you do this to me,
But please,
Tell me who,
Who is that someone to choose?
Give me a clue!
Is it the one who smells like peach-pie?
Or the one who sings like a lullaby?
Or is it the one who’s been there all along,
Writing me this song?
Dancing and prancing butterfly,
Why don’t you tell me why,
You kill me with love,
Why me who’s been in the dark?
Searching for only the stark,
Alone and thrown away?
Light butterfly,
Why me?

The author's comments:
The butterfly is always in the stomach of those in love... so... Beware! :)

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This article has 1 comment.

so_joy SILVER said...
on Sep. 5 2012 at 8:08 pm
so_joy SILVER, Navesink, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 722 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want to see."

I LOVE THIS!!! The idea is extremely unique, and unlike anything I've ever read. The rhyming was just beautiful, and I absolutely loved the way you ended the poem. One of my favorites, and trust me, I've read A LOT. I'm adding this to my favorites because I love it so much, and hopefully you will get more viewers. PLEASE keep writing!!! Please read, rate and comment on my poems! Thanks!