Opinionated Spectator | Teen Ink

Opinionated Spectator

July 27, 2012
By DelightfullyDAZED PLATINUM, Las Cruces, New Mexico
DelightfullyDAZED PLATINUM, Las Cruces, New Mexico
25 articles 0 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Our arms start from the back because they were once wings
~ suppose shes a wildflower
~i am free of all predujice, i hate everyone equally

*thoughts of a spectator*

He dressed in all black
Looked half dead or half alive
Depending on how optimistic you were.
Skin so milky
Snowhite herself could'nt compare.
Gangling, gaunt...awkward
Possibly a creation of Tim Burton?
So dark in quirky i'd imagine
his clothes possibly suggest suicidal tendencies
hmmm... that could be debated
they're just clothes
You are who you are
Because you are you.
BUT i am entitled to such opinions
Opinions, which, i keep to myself
Imagine if everyone heard me?
Now, Where was I...

The author's comments:
Just a piece i thought of on how people are constantly judging people and slapping their opinions when not needed. But the opinions we normally keep to ourselves tend to be harsher

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 23 2013 at 9:08 am
ArtemisVale GOLD, Paris, Other
11 articles 28 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." - Oscar Wilde

  I love the modernity and rebellious "so what?" factor to this poem! The structure is definitely intriguing..