Afraid | Teen Ink


June 13, 2012
By kat95 PLATINUM, Bedford Hills, New York
kat95 PLATINUM, Bedford Hills, New York
21 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Smile even through your tears

I recognize
Those wide eyes
Shimmering with unshed tears
Full of shadows darker than black
I know the feeling

The one that begins
With an airy whisper

An icy breeze that
Circles your neck until
Every hair stands at attention
The first warning that
All is not right.

The resulting agitation
Spreads slowly like poison,
Potent and highly effective.
Your body freezes
And your heart trembles.

Your brain knows
The possibilities are only
One in a thousand million,
Of course, you could always be that
Unlucky one.

Lost in a darkness
Soft like feathers
You are paralyzed
And as they swirl around
Breathing becomes difficult.

Falling to the ground
You curl up
And wish to get smaller and smaller
Until the fear goes away
Or you do.

And it all started with a chill
On the back of your neck.

Yes, I know the feeling
You are not alone
So grab my hand and stand up
Let’s find a light

The author's comments:
Any person who claims they have never been afraid is both a coward and a liar. Every person has experienced terror. In the dark or in a hospital room. We are all the same in our lack of rationality, in our possession of weaknesses.
So why do we all feel so alone in our fear?

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