Stress Too Much | Teen Ink

Stress Too Much

May 16, 2012
By destiny12 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
destiny12 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Live, Laugh, and Love&quot; <br /> &quot;Life sucks and then you die&quot;<br /> &quot;live for today, not for tomorrow&quot;

Being a high school senior with dual credit class,
Makes you very crunched for time.
I worry all about school work including
Doing senior research, anatomy tests, and graduation.

I worry about the little things,
And never fully take time to realize the major things in life.
Like the fact that I wake up every morning still breathing,
I could just not wake up at all.

I sometimes wonder if my sister ever knew that her last day on earth,
Would be her last day.
She always took time out of her day to appreciate the breeze,
And appreciate her family and friends.

How do we fully slow down to realize the earth around us?
We are so stressed with other things that we don’t even stop to notice the grass beneath our feet,
Or the wind blowing through our hair.

I take all the big things in life for granted and never realize,
That I am truly lucky to be alive to worry about all the small things.

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