Within Me | Teen Ink

Within Me

April 6, 2012
By Marlene273120 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
Marlene273120 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Being elite isn't everything, what you are already is all that you need to be successful"

By Marlene Rashidi

Within me you see strength,
but I'm weak.
You see happiness, but
I'm in pain.
You say I am the dream,
but truly,
I am the destroyer.
Within me there's billions and
billions of sins,
but you say I'm righteous.

I am the trouble,
but you say I am the peacemaker.
I roar like thunder,
but you say I am soft and
Darkness is me, but you say
I'm the bright light of the world.
My eyes lies whenever I wink,
but you say I'm the truth.

You say I'm the water that
flows down rivers,
but I am the desert
that thirsts the sands.
Within me hope does not exist,
but you say
I am the hope lands.
You say I'm from poetry,
but I'm from words....untold.
Within me you see a cure,
but I'm the infection.

You see love, but
I'm the meaning of hate.
The moon is my statue of liberty,
the sun
reflects my shadow.
Why do you say, I'm the path,
but within me I'm the lost way.
I'm not the destination,
I'm the endless
journey to nowhere.
Within me there is me.

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