What if I Couldn't Write? | Teen Ink

What if I Couldn't Write?

March 29, 2012
By dragonlilly BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
dragonlilly BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Poetry and Hums aren&#039;t things which you get, they&#039;re things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you.<br /> Winnie the Pooh

What if I couldn't write

would words be stuck in my throat, in my heart,

in my mind,

never alive,

never dieing?

What if I couldn't breathe,

would that be me without words,

would that be me


cold, white, limp


What if my white pages

always stayed white pages

never scribbled with poems


swirls of pencil

in the corner?

What if I couldn't write?

Who would I be,

an empty soul looking for a body,

or real with

glass eyes and a hollow


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