Perfect | Teen Ink


March 8, 2012
By andrewbishop SILVER, Peru, Indiana
andrewbishop SILVER, Peru, Indiana
8 articles 1 photo 4 comments

I see in you a golden dove,
An angel sent to me,
From heaven, a paradise from above.
You ponder what I see in you,
I see a beautiful girl,
Caring, loving, respectful
I love you with a passion,
That no one can match,
I love no one but you.
In mine eyes you are,
A swan floating free,
Gentle, a symbol of love.
You are perfect,
I know what I mean,
You are the one I love,
Forever and always.
I know that this perfect love,
Shall never die,
All I need is you by my side.
With you by my side,
I forget my worries,
And focus on the angel beside me.
Perfect you are,
For me and a marvel,
For mine eye, candy, sweet as can be.
If you want to appear perfect to me,
Stay the same,
Baby you are the perfect girl for me.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by a note from my girlfriend. She was in a depressed mood somehow and in the note she asked me what I see in her and why I love her and why I am with her in the first place.

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