The Fine Art | Teen Ink

The Fine Art

February 8, 2012
By jameswritesinsecret DIAMOND, Auburn, Alabama
jameswritesinsecret DIAMOND, Auburn, Alabama
53 articles 2 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We live until we live no more"
Frontier City- Kings of Leon

Acting is what they call my job
I stand on the stage and act
I portray emotion
I sway hearts
I tell a story
I act
They say I can recreate
They say I can imagine
They say I can do anything
Wo are they
Who am I
The fine art of acting
To be in the light
To be the star
To change the script
To change a life
To spoil a secret
To ruin a relationship
To peel an apple?
I am life
I am death
I am fury
I am might
I am who I want to be
I am everything and nothing
To change the world
To destroy a life
What is acting
Oh what is acting
Can it be defined
Is it a real thing
Am I part of your imagination
The answers are limitless
The answers are invicible
There is a force that hold us
Yes it holds us on the stage
It keeps us in check
It is willpower
It changes people
It creates the fine art of……..ACTING

The author's comments:
Acting is awesome

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