Stay for me | Teen Ink

Stay for me

January 31, 2012
By Lovergirl GOLD, Gretna, Virginia
Lovergirl GOLD, Gretna, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"don't jugde and ye won't be jugde" matthew 7:1
"If you don't know the trees you will get lost in the forest, but if you don't know the stories you will get lost in life' -Siderian Proverb

stay for me,and you'll have my love
be gone and I'll cry
stay a Friend,and be there

stay for me,let's have a great time
It makes me sad,to be alone
stay a loner,and have no one

stay for me,I'll be happy
living in fear,that you'll leave
stay and forever be with me.

stay for me' I'd be sane
i don't know,where to go
incompletely,insane,please,stay for me

The author's comments:
my ex.

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