Endless darkness | Teen Ink

Endless darkness

January 18, 2012
By hotshot PLATINUM, North Sioux City, South Dakota
hotshot PLATINUM, North Sioux City, South Dakota
27 articles 0 photos 58 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

flowers dieing, sun setting now our lives have ended.
stars dI'mming, moon no longer shining.
now my path is unknown.
darkness enveloping, songs fading
now my torture begins.
water rushing as cold as ice
light so dark it burns. now my despair is inevitable
my being is spread, my thoughts no more
what is truly in store?
birds growing silent, words losing meaning
now the darkness is closed.
my eternal cell is now locked closed
my life is now short. my dreams vivid
now i know i cant live without you
now my sense of strife has ended
and now I'm left with wondering
what could have happened
if i had done something

The author's comments:
we all lose something in our lives. we all have a problem that shadows our judgment and we also have times when we feel nothing or are forced to remember without help. this poem isn't about giving up. this isn't about giving in. its about remembering who you are whether its easy hard or near impossible to achieve

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